Fly fishing only, for full details please see the Fishery Rules.
The lake is regularly stocked with rainbow trout every few weeks, although no stocking takes place in May/June/July & August for obvious reasons.
The fishing season starts at dawn on the 1st March and ends at sunset on the last day of February.
There is no fishing on Mondays except on a Bank Holiday.
The fishery may be closed for events.
Fishing may start at dawn and finish at sunset.
Fishing shall be with a single fly/hook, no bigger than a size 10, whether a dry, emerger, nymph, wet or lure.
You may combine a dry/emerger pattern with another dry/emerger, or use a dry fly as an indicator for a nymph.
Hooks should be barbless or with crushed barbs.
When caught, the rainbow trout are retained and the brown, tiger & spartic trout are released.
There is a daily limit of five rainbows, and a weekly limit of fifteen.
Brown, tiger & spartic trout caught do not count towards your limit.
Also found in the lake are common carp, perch and if you are lucky the occasional ide.