Fishery Rules
Boxmoor Trout Fishery Limited (Company) owns a private trout-fishing lake (Fishery) maintained and operated for the enjoyment of its angling members (Rods), Shareholders and other visitors.
These rules have been drawn up to meet the requirements of our Angling Trust insurance policy and ensure the safety of all who use the Fishery.
These rules apply to ALL who use the Fishery including;
• Shareholders & Partners/Spouses
• Directors
• Angling members (both seasonal Rods & day ticket holders).
• Volunteers (fishing & non-fishing).
• Enhanced volunteers i.e. Management Team
• Signed-in Guests.
Under the terms of these Rules, each of the above is classed as a Member of the Fishery.
The Directors reserve the right to cancel the membership rights of anyone who fails to comply with these rules.
• Members, use the Fishery entirely at their own risk. The Company accepts no liability for loss, damage or injury.
• ALL persons using the Fishery should read and make themselves familiar with the Risk Assessment which is reviewed at the beginning of each season. A copy of the assessment is displayed on the Lodge notice board and published on the website (
• In the event of an incident a member of the Management team and/or Director, should be informed as soon as practicable (contact details are displayed in the Lodge) and a record made in the Accident Book kept in the Lodge together with the first aid kit.
• Guests must be signed in using the ‘Guest Book’ located in the Lodge.
• For avoidance of doubt, all guests/visitors to the Fishery must be accompanied by a Member and signed into the Guest Book at the start of their visit.
Licence & subscriptions
• No one may fish unless in possession of the appropriate Environment Agency licence.
• Annual subscriptions are due on the 1st March. If subscriptions are not paid by the 31st March, the Membership may be lost.
• Membership cards and E.A. licences (if appropriate) should be carried at all times, on the Fishery.
Use of Premises
Be aware, that the boundary of the Fishery includes the full width of the River Bulbourne which runs parallel to the lake.
• The consumption of alcohol and the use of recreational drugs whilst in the Fishery is strictly prohibited.
• The gates and the Lodge must be kept locked.
• The code number for the gates and the Lodge must not be disclosed to third parties.
• Parking is in the upper car park, there is no parking on the access road.
• Parking is for members only whilst using the Fishery.
• No vehicles are to be left on the Fishery overnight.
• All vehicles should be left secured.
• All litter (whether emanating from a Member or not), must be removed or placed in a bin. All cans & bottles must be taken away and not put in the bin.
• In particular hooks and discarded line must be disposed of correctly.
• There will be no taking of fruit, logs or other perks from the Fishery without permission from the Management team.
• No radios or the like are allowed on the Fishery.
• No wading, bathing, swimming, boating or float tubes are allowed.
• No dogs are allowed on the Fishery, without permission from the Management team.
• No persons other than Members are allowed on the Fishery without prior permission.
• Temporary, additional and emergency rules and other information will be displayed on the Lodge notice board, and published on the website.
• Members will be deemed to be acting bailiffs whilst on the Fishery. Unauthorised persons shall be asked to leave and a member of the Management team informed as soon as possible.
• The Company’s land, property and equipment shall not be interfered with.
• The membership is not transferable.
• There is a guest book in the lodge which should be completed by any shareholding Member or fishing Member that brings a guest onto the Fishery.
• At the discretion of the Management team, Rods may be shared with family members i.e. parent, spouse, or child (over the age of twelve). At such times only one rod may be used, and the Member or Shareholder must be in attendance.
• Children are welcome at The Fishery provided they are accompanied by a parent/carer (who is either a Member or a Shareholder) and closely supervised.
• One parent/carer per child under twelve.
• One parent/carer per two children aged twelve to sixteen.
• Children must be twelve years or older to be allowed to fish.
• Group lessons for students must be carried out by a qualified instructor(s), properly supervised and risk-assessed.
• Fishing guests must be accompanied by a Rod and should start a catch return and pay, prior to fishing.
• All volunteers, enhanced volunteers & staff at the Fishery should be aware of the two documents relating to safeguarding. Namely;
o Safeguarding Code of Conduct for Staff & Volunteers.
o Safeguarding Policy Statement.
• The fishing season shall start at dawn on the 1st March and end at sunset on the last day of February the following year.
• The Fishery is closed every Monday except Bank Holidays.
• There may be a maximum of ten other closures throughout the year to allow for corporate days, societies and other events. Any such closures will be displayed on the notice board in the Lodge and on the website with at least 2 weeks-notice.
• Fishing may start at dawn and continue until sunset.
• Fishing shall be with a single fly on a single hook, no bigger than a size 10 whether a dry, emerger, nymph, wet or lure. However, Members may also combine a dry/emerger pattern with another dry/emerger. Members may also combine a dry/emerger with a nymph, fished either ‘New Zealand’ or ‘Duo’ style.
• Barbless or crushed barb hooks must be used.
• No shooting head or lead core lines are to be used.
• The daily limit is 5 rainbows (which are to be retained), the weekly limit is 15 rainbows. Brown trout (which are to be returned), do not count towards your limit.
• If a brown trout is injured please dispose of it and note it on your return.
• No day tickets without express permission of the Management Team.
• Short term adjustments to the fishing rules may be made during June, July & August. Fishing members will be informed, if introduced, by e-mail.
• No fishing is allowed until a catch return has been started.
• All fish caught (whether rainbow, brown, carp or perch), must be recorded on the catch return.
• Nil returns must be recorded.
• Due courtesy must be shown to all other Fishery users.
• Members are expected to implement the policy of conserving and encouraging the wildlife on the Fishery.
• Members are encouraged to support the Fishery by attending working parties, and with any suggestions for improvements.
• Regular working parties meet at the Fishery every Monday morning.