The Lake

The lake is sited in redeveloped watercress beds. The land was purchased by local residents, to prevent development, and was excavated in the late 1970’s for use as a trout fishing lake.
To the South is the Grand Union Canal and to the North are domestic style chalet dwellings. The lake is ‘spring fed’ from artesian wells once used to supply the watercress beds. The chalk filters the water supplying the lake and comes from the Chiltern Hills.The water from the artesian wells has been found to be particularly pure and suitable for use in high quality aquaria.
The lake, some 3 acres, has a shallow border and depths ranging from 6′ to 15′ with a bed of gravel and flint. The lake flows into the River Bulbourne in the East via a small weir which controls the flow from the lake.
The management and maintenance of the lake is all done by volunteers.
The lake is regularly stocked with rainbow trout, which are retained when caught. There is also a good head of resident brown trout, which are catch & release.
Also present in the lake are common carp, plenty of perch and if you are lucky the occasional ide.